• Question: why do sloths so lazy?

    Asked by amywamy to Angela, Gopal, Hannah, Becky, Vince on 20 Jun 2013. This question was also asked by claudiaa.
    • Photo: Hannah Little

      Hannah Little answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      Sloths are great. They have been known to mistake their own arms for branches and then fallen to their deaths. Which is the kind of thing that’s hilarious but then you feel bad about laughing at it afterwards. I think sloths get a bad wrap for laziness and the name “sloth” doesn’t help. Sloths move very slowly but that’s a different thing from being lazy. They move slowly to conserve energy as their diet of mostly leaves leaves them without a lot to spare. Also, the slower they move the less likely predators are to see them.
