• Question: what is your most prized possesion?

    Asked by susanboyleofficial to Angela, Gopal, Hannah, Becky, Vince on 20 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Rebecca Cook

      Rebecca Cook answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      My geeky side is saying my PhD thesis, it represent 4 years of hard work and its a massive book so I think it is quite impressive.

      My ‘cooler’ side would say my iPhone as I use it so much every day and would be lost with out.

    • Photo: Hannah Little

      Hannah Little answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      My laptop. It’s got all of my work on it and it’s how I keep in contact with my friends through skype. That, or my kindle because I’m never happy without a good book in my bag.
