• Question: what happens when you die?

    Asked by hannah12350 to Angela, Gopal, Hannah, Becky, Vince on 20 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Hannah Little

      Hannah Little answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      Do you mean what happens to your body? Or to your consciousness? Or to the people that et left behind?

      I’ll tell you what happens to your body because that’s the easiest one to explain using science. The thing which tells us if a person is dead is their heart stops beating, after that the chemicals in your muscles will change and cause you become very stiff (which is why dead bodies are sometimes called “stiffs”), then, assuming the conditions are right, you’ll start to decompose which is caused by being eaten by tiny bacteria, and bigger organisms might join in too, like maggots. Nice.

    • Photo: Rebecca Cook

      Rebecca Cook answered on 22 Jun 2013:

      For what happens to consciousness, its depends what you believe in. Many religions believe in some form of afterlife.

      I think that once you are dead your consciousness doesn’t exist anymore as there is not a living body to support it.
