• Question: Do you have specific coding standards to which you adhere?

    Asked by n3rdy to Gopal on 25 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Gopal Ramchurn

      Gopal Ramchurn answered on 25 Jun 2013:

      There are so many different coding standards you could use. I try to keep my code simple (very short functions) such that the different functions of an app are not too tied to each other. In that way, you easily change things in the code without breaking the whole thing. I ‘try’ to comment my code as much as possible… but it’s tiring. Another thing i’ve been trying to adopt lately is to take a ‘test-driven’ approach i.e., you write a test for a piece of code before you write the code… it makes you think about how you are going to write your code more!
